Vegetarian Side Dishes

Don't skip the side dishes - the sides make the meal more nutritious (eat your veggies!) and add flavor and variety to your meals. And we promise...none of these recipes include bacon.

Greens Recipes

Sauteed Lacinato Kale

Spanish Appetizers

Pisto Manchego

Fried Zucchini

Pan-Grilled Zucchini

Roasted Vegetables

Roasted Zucchini


Easy Caponata

Cabbage Recipes

Braised Cabbage

Hanukkah Kugel

Holiday Apricot Kugel

Cottage Cheese


Mexican Rice

Baked Mexican Rice

Indian Side Dishes

Spiced Corn

Curry Side Dishes

Curried Lentils


Vegetarian Ghormeh Sabzi

Mexican Beans

Squash Calabacitas