Skip the Big Dinner and Enjoy a Thanksgiving Brunch Instead

Skip the Big Dinner and Enjoy a Thanksgiving Brunch Instead

While you could do mini pumpkin pies as a brunch dessert, this French toast recipe is just as delicious and packed with pumpkin spice. Plus, maple syrup goes so well with pumpkin.

No brunch would be complete without pancakes, but you don't need a stack of them. A Dutch Baby is one giant pancake made in a skillet that you cut up and serve like pie. And this apple version is perfect for fall. You could even use apple pie filling instead of fresh-cut apples for a twist on a classic Thanksgiving dessert.

It’s not Thanksgiving without sweet potatoes or yams. And while a traditional sweet potato casserole could totally work for brunch, we love the idea of these sweet potato cupcakes. And that’s not icing on top. It’s toasted marshmallow fluff.

Why spend an hour chopping celery for cornbread dressing when you can just stick it in a Bloody Mary? Brunch isn’t brunch without this classic cocktail. And in recent years, the toppings have become half the fun.

It's always nice to have a mocktail for friends and family not drinking so that they have something special to sip on, too. (Young diners too can feel special with their own version of the adults' special drinks.) This cranberry mocktail is super easy to make and also budget-friendly as you really only need juice and sparkling water. For a garnish, add an orange peel twist for a fall color and flavor palate. And, of course, you can always add vodka to make this a boozy sipper. It's a nice, light alternative to a hearty Bloody Mary.

Don't forget the coffee! Sure, you could just keep a pot warm for brunch. Or you could have a little barista fun at home with whipped coffee. The DIY trend took the internet by storm earlier this year, but this recipe goes beyond the basic whip and incorporates pumpkin spice flavor three ways.

If you love the idea of a warm cocktail for a cold November day, this hot apple cider will fit the bill nicely. It comes together quickly and simmers for just 10 minutes, so if your crew keeps sipping this libation, you can easily whip up more and keep their mugs full.

Even if your main Thanksgiving brunch dish is a sweet French toast or a stack of pumpkin pancakes, there’s room on your brunch plate for some savory choices. And if you don’t like your brunch to start off with a sugar surge, then look for fantastic main dish options like the potato waffle or an air-fried hash. Don’t skip the bacon!

Instead of roasted turkey, have turkey sausage. We love a good breakfast casserole at Allrecipes and this one doesn't disappoint. It's a no-fuss bake that only takes one hour and 15 minutes—as opposed to hours and hours spent checking and waiting on a roasted turkey.

If waffles are your go-to brunch item, try this savory twist with mashed potatoes. They taste amazing on their own, but you could also top with smoked salmon, caramelized onions, or crumbled turkey bacon. And if you have a mini waffle maker ($10;, you could make turkey breast sliders with cranberry sauce or eggs Benedict with these waffles as a base.

Green beans for breakfast? Yes, really. These mini casserole cups are made with canned biscuit dough so it totally counts. Each tiny bite is packed with that creamy mushroom and green bean combination that you know, love, and expect on Thanksgiving day. They're guaranteed to disappear the minute you set them out.

For a spin on basic breakfast potatoes, try sweet potatoes with a kick of pepper. The best part of this five-star recipe? The air fryer does all the work for you. It's ready in just 25 minutes. You could also use this crispy hash as a base for a Southwestern-style egg or tofu scramble. Top with peppers, sour cream, and salsa.

source by allrecipe

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