Quebec Recipes

Looking for Quebec recipes? Cookdap has more than 70 trusted Quebec recipes complete with ratings, reviews and cooking tips.

Cake Recipes

Pouding Chomeur

Canadian Cookies

Nut-Free Macarons


Buckwheat Cake

Pork Recipes

Poutine Pizza

Canadian Recipes

Ch?meur's Pudding


Sucre a la Creme

Quebec Recipes

Maple Syrup Sugar Pie

BBQ Sauce

Canadian Barn BBQ Sauce


Lighter Cretons

200 Calorie Pork Main Dishes


Canadian Recipes

Fried Smelt

Canadian Occasions

Real Poutine

French Toast

Pumpkin French Toast

Mini Main Dishes

Chicken and Sliders

Beef Pie

French Canadian Tourti?re

Baked Salmon

Salmon and Potato Pie

Canadian Recipes

Brown Sugar Pie I

Chicken Stew

Chicken Stew 'Fricot'

Beef Pie

Pork Pie

Ground Pork


Ground Pork

Reveillon Tourtiere