Events and Gatherings

Looking for something special to bring to your next event? Cookdap has more than 4,220 recipe options, whether you're hosting a big bash or a small gathering.

French Fries

French Fried Potatoes

Labor Day Drinks

Pi?a Colada

Dessert Tarts

Pineapple Tarts

Carnival and Fair Food

Pecan Snack

Egg Bread

Ukrainian Country Babka

Chocolate Cake

Cream-Filled Cupcakes

Carnival and Fair Food

Churros II

Wedding Cakes

Moist Yellow Cake

Elvis Recipes

Memphis Rub


Oma's Cottage Cheesecake

German Recipes

German Currywurst

Dessert Sauces

Easy Devonshire Cream


15 Elegant Tea Sandwiches

4th of July Salads

Potato Salad

March Madness? Recipes

Popcorn Nachos

Banana Nut Bread

Mango-Banana Bread

Canned Fruit

Island-Style Fried Rice


Dad's Kentucky Home Fries