Coconut Recipes

Browse over 1,790 recipes using fresh or shredded coconut complete with ratings, reviews and serving tips. Looking for coconut milk, oil or flour recipes? We have those, too.

Bundt Cake

Coconut Bundt Cake

Bundt Cake

Tom Cruise Cake

Coconut Milk

Sweet Coconut Rice

Coconut Recipes

Sweet Potato Crunch

Banana Muffins

Vegan Banana Muffins

Breakfast Bread

Mango Bread

Coconut Milk

Maja Blanca

Coconut Milk


Coconut Milk

Thai Curry Soup

Coconut Milk

Coconut Pancake Syrup

Coconut Curry

Thai Steamed Mussels

Coconut Curry

Coconut Curry Fish

Anchovy Recipes

Malaysian Nasi Lemak


Kheer (Rice Pudding)

African Recipes

Umm Ali

Bread Pudding

Coconut Bread Pudding

Coconut Milk

Chi Chi Dango

Carrot Cake

Moist Carrot Cake

Almond Cookies

Nanaimo Bars