Our 15 Best Lasagna Recipes of All Time Give You Layers and Layers to Love

Our 15 Best Lasagna Recipes of All Time Give You Layers and Layers to Love

This unique lasagna is filled with artichokes and spinach and topped with crumbled herb and garlic feta cheese. Reviewers say you don't need to boil your lasagna noodles before cooking, instead, you can use no-boil noodles or dry noodles that will soften from the hot sauce. "I made this for an ultra-picky friend once, and need to make it again soon. It's a GREAT variation on the typical meat lasagna. My only changes were to use a homemade sauce, and I never boil my noodles first," says home cook Zanne.

This lasagna is the perfect make-ahead dinner — recipe creator ETHELMERTZ suggests making it a full day in advance and refrigerating it overnight to allow the flavors to intensify. Reviewers recommend adding extra sauce to the lasagna to keep it from being dry. "I have found my staple lasagna recipe! I put it together the night before, baked it covered for 1 hour and uncovered for 20 minutes. My husband said it was just as good as the lasagna his Italian stepfather makes, and he's been cooking for more than 50 years," says home cook Joanna Stevens.

If you're pressed for time, try this easy lasagna. To save even more time, you can use no-boil lasagna noodles that are already oven-ready. "I am a novice cook and I have always wanted to make lasagna. This recipe was perfect it was so easy and it was delicious! It made me look like an expert," says reviewer MARELAPADILLA.

This vegetarian lasagna is packed with vegetables and cheese that make for a filling meal. The recipe uses mushroom, bell pepper, and onion, but you can add any other veggies you like. Reviewers like to add zucchini, spinach, carrots, and celery.

Chicken lasagna is the perfect option if you're not a fan of ground beef or sausage. This recipe only requires a few ingredients and the mixture of chicken, bouillon, cream cheese, and mozzarella creates deliciously creamy layers.

This hearty spinach lasagna is the best dinner choice for cheese lovers as it's filled with Romano, ricotta, and mozzarella cheeses. Reviewers suggest adding extra spinach if you like a lot, and you can also add artichokes if you want. "I love spinach lasagna, and this one went over quite well. I tried a new technique and bought baby spinach in a package and didn't cook it. I layered the noodles, cheese mix, and spaghetti sauce with the fresh spinach, packing in quite a bit of the fresh stuff. It turned out pretty well! And it saved a step (and a pan). I've also used frozen spinach and it works well," says home cook MELS MARTINEZ.

Looking to use your summer zucchini bounty? Try this low-carb, no-noodle lasagna. This lasagna is packed with so many delicious flavors, you won't even notice the noodles are missing. The zucchini produces a lot of moisture so reviewers recommend salting and draining the slices before assembly and to make sure you use a thick sauce.

A new take on traditional lasagna, this dish is made with chicken, Alfredo cream sauce, and spinach. "Oh. My. Goodness. This was good. I was in a pinch for bringing a dish to a party and happened to have most of the ingredients for this so I pulled it together, and it's my new favorite recipe. I used frozen spinach instead of fresh, and I'm sure fresh would make it even better. Everyone ate this all gone and were fighting for the recipe. I've also found it's good to take it out after it's done and let it sit, covered, for a good thirty minutes to thicken up," says home cook sorashell.

These lasagna roll-ups are the perfect recipe to make ahead and freeze for a quick and easy dinner. You can individually freeze them for single servings as well. These roll-ups only take an hour to make, so if you don't have time to make a full lasagna, these are a great option.

Breaded eggplant is the base of this healthy-ish lasagna. In addition to the ground beef, reviewers like to add vegetables like onions or mushrooms to the mixture. "Awesome! I loved the way the eggplant was prepared and so did my kids!! It is a dish I feel good about serving to my family and they absolutely loved it. Tastes like traditional lasagna, only better," says home cook Mustang.

Calling all cheese lovers! This lasagna is packed with cheesy goodness including ricotta, feta, mozzarella, and Parmesan. And, instead of meat, this lasagna is filled with pumpkin, tomato, pesto, and eggplant — some reviewers like to replace the pumpkin with sweet potato or another squash that is in season.

This lasagna uses sour cream in place of traditional ricotta cheese to create a creamy, cheesy pasta dish. Reviewers rave about the sour cream substitution, and the only change they seem to make is to skip the olives. "Not only is this very tasty, it solved a huge problem for me … my kids hate ricotta and I had pretty much given up serving lasagna at home. While this does not have a completely traditional feeling, it is very good, and it's an easy lasagna to make as well," says home cook Terri O.

"This one tasted great and we just loved all the veggies! Do be aware, though, that it will take MUCH longer than 20 minutes for the prep time. I made the sauce one evening and then refrigerated it. The next evening, I assembled the lasagna and refrigerated it. The homemade sauce was great and fully worth that amount of chopping and cooking time. By the way, if you've never made lasagna using the no-boil method, you really should give it a try. Such a time saver and then you don't end up with wiggly, slippery, tearing wet noodles to handle," says reviewer JMLANGE.

"The b?chamel adds a little something special to this wonderful lasagna. I like to use part skim ricotta and mozzarella and low-fat milk to cut some of the fat in this dish. You won't notice the difference," says recipe creator Valerie Brunmeier. Be sure to use a lasagna pan that's larger than 9×13 to prevent the casserole from bubbling over, she adds.

source by allrecipe

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