Our 13 Best Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes of All Time Are 5-Star Winners All the Way

Our 13 Best Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes of All Time Are 5-Star Winners All the Way

The secret ingredient to this sweet and savory turkey is honey. "Let me start by saying I do not like turkey on Thanksgiving. I may eat two small pieces but I have never been a big fan. All that changed when I made this recipe. I have never tasted a better turkey and will make this every year," says reviewer amkshumate.

The "Michigander way" means simply coating the turkey in butter, water, chicken bouillon, parsley, minced onion, and seasoning salt. "This was the best turkey I have ever made or eaten. I could not believe how moist and tender the breast was! My Thanksgiving was made perfect with this delicious bird," says home cook BMDSINGLE.

"The family really enjoyed this recipe — even the picky eaters claimed this was the best turkey they had ever tried. Count me in on the side of the briners — the previous reviewers suggest brining the turkey the night before; this really helped keep the turkey moist," says home cook WHIRLLYBIRD.

"I was in charge of making the turkey this last Thanksgiving, and I came across this recipe. I followed the recipe exactly, and I have to say it was the best turkey we've ever had. Everyone was amazed at how moist and flavorful the turkey was. This will be my turkey recipe from now on. It was perfect, I won't change a thing," says reviewer Dawn Logterman.

Lauren's roast turkey is brined overnight in apple cider, salt, and sugar. "Wow! This turkey was the best yet. The brine was so easy. I had it in the brine for about 24 hours. Didn't change a thing. Very moist and delicious. Will definitely make again," says reviewer Rex Houserman.

With just five ingredients, this turkey recipe can't get any easier. "Simple, perfect roast turkey just like grandma used to make. Seasoned with salt and pepper, and basted with turkey stock, the flavors of the turkey really stand out. Stuff with your favorite dressing," says recipe creator Syd.

"This is an awesome Cajun recipe. Deep-frying makes the turkey crispy on the outside and super juicy on the inside (even the white meat). It also leaves the heat outside! You can deep-fry the turkey in either peanut or vegetable oil, your choice. We use a 26-quart aluminum pot with a drain basket," says recipe contributors Tim and Meredith.

This turkey is filled with butter, cola, apple, onion, garlic powder, salt, and ground pepper and cooked in a smoker for 10 hours. "I knew I had a winner on my hands with the YELPS of joy from people who tasted the first slices of the bird. INTENSE smoky flavor. Inside, the turkey was surprisingly moist. A definite hit," says home cook Keith Jefferies.

"This is one of the juiciest and most flavorful turkeys I've ever made! The rub forms a crust that locks in all the juices, even in the driest part of the breast meat. I served some of it plated up with sweet potato chunks and black beans and some of it covered with rich pan gravy," says recipe creator Chef John.

"This roasting method results in the juiciest, crispiest turkey cooked in a fraction of the time it usually takes. The secret is to remove the backbone and flatten out the bird. Carving is a whole lot easier, too. Once you try it, you might never go back," says recipe creator foodelicious.

This is a turkey stuffed with a duck that is stuffed with a chicken that is stuffed with dressing. You may need a few sets of hands to get this Turducken to work, but it's definitely worth it, and your guests will be talking about it forever after.

If you love bacon, you'll love this German-inspired recipe. The turkey is stuffed with onion, carrots, celery, apples, and oranges and wrapped with a layer of tasty bacon. "OMG! This was the best turkey ever. It was easy to do the night before, and it was gorgeous when it came out of the oven. This recipe is worth 10 stars," says home cook EMterry.

This turkey is seasoned with champagne and chicken broth for an extra juicy taste. "We used this recipe this Thanksgiving, and the turkey came out EXCELLENT! We marinaded the turkey in the champagne and broth for 24 hours before, rubbed the seasonings in the turkey cavity and under the skin, and stuffed it with carrots, onions, celery, and orange as directed. The result was a juicy turkey (even the white meat) that was full of flavor," says home cook pma66.

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