Our 12 Best Ham Salads

Our 12 Best Ham Salads

The best part of the mini shells in this pasta salad? They form the perfect catcher's mitt for the diced cheddar, ham, and sweet green peas. It all comes together with a light, creamy mayo dressing. Enjoy as a kid-friendly dinner or a make-ahead potluck dish.

Chef John kicks up the heat in his version of ham salad with Sriracha, cayenne, and shredded hot pepper cheddar cheese. He also adds Worcestershire sauce for a salty, savory note. “Another winner!” says recipe reviewer bumblebee50.

Take the Italian appetizer spread, dice it up, and toss it with bottled dressing for a hearty salad everyone will love. This version maximizes crunch with diced cucumbers. Enjoy as an appetizer for a pasta main or as a light dinner with crusty Italian bread.

Creator Diane Horn Talts has made some diehard fans of this salad, including one friend who requested it be shipped long distance! Many reviewers love it as a way to use up leftover ham. "I'm eating it right now and it's just glorious," says user Jennifer Ball.

Ham and green peas are often stirred into pastas and potato salads, so why not make them the star of the show? This salad would be a great addition to your bbq, picnic, or potluck table. "I give this recipe high marks for simplicity and flavor," says user Hennepin Dave.

"I thought I made a mean pasta salad but this recipe makes me want to chuck mine out the window!" says super fan Luvsherredsox. A surprise ingredient, beef bouillon granules, gives the dressing a savory note we love.

For a little extra crunch and color in this classic ham salad, creator James stirs in finely diced green bell pepper and celery. "…Ideal for after-the-holidays leftover ham," says fan Melanie4.

"Dill makes a difference!" says recipe creator kdsmom. Here, she's talking about chopped dill pickles, a fun twist on the classic sweet pickle relish. Keep with the deli theme and serve this ham salad on slices of rye or pumpernickel bread.

A sweet and tangy dressing binds the pasta, diced ham, and bell pepper in this salad. "Everyone was asking me where I bought it! I told them I made it from scratch and they couldn't believe it," says user Angie Valasquez.

Many reviewers were happy to swear off the canned and deli counter versions of ham salad to make this easy version. A few additional spices like garlic powder, paprika, and caraway seeds help to balance the salty ham and creamy mayo.

Looking for a pasta salad that's different but will still be a big hit with your crowd? This version adds green grapes for a touch of sweetness that goes so well with the diced ham and sharp cheddar. "This salad was awesome!" says user Yasamin.

source by allrecipe

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