Our 10 Best Thanksgiving Sweet Potato Recipes Will Steal the Show This Holiday

Our 10 Best Thanksgiving Sweet Potato Recipes Will Steal the Show This Holiday

This easy sweet potato casserole is made with fresh sweet potatoes — though reviewers have also used canned — brown sugar, orange juice, margarine, and cinnamon and topped with marshmallows. Some reviewers recommend using less orange juice if you don't want an orange taste to be present. "DELICIOUS!!! I got many compliments on this at the Thanksgiving table. Three hours after dinner was over, my sister went back to heat up more of this," says reviewer MomSavedbyGrace.

Roasted sweet potatoes, carrots, and parsnips are drizzled with maple syrup and topped with fresh thyme in this flavorful side dish. These veggies are easy to make and will bring a different, sweet flavor to the Thanksgiving table.

If you want a less sweet dish, try these savory mashed potatoes. The sweet potatoes mask the heat of the jalape?os, while the jalape?os mask the sweetness of the sweet potatoes to create the perfect, balanced side. If you want some extra spice, reviewers recommend using two jalape?os.

This traditional candied sweet potato recipe takes some extra time to make but gives you a perfectly sweet side dish. "I saw another reviewer say that after it was done, they didn't want to make it again because of the work. I had the complete opposite reaction. We liked these so much that I would definitely do these again. Don't get me wrong, it is time-consuming? but we believe they are totally worth it. We found French vanilla Cool Whip and ate this as a dessert the next day," says reviewer Momof2.

If you like the combo of sweet and salty flavors, this side dish with roasted sweet potatoes, beets, and onions is for you. Reviewers suggest using fresh garlic instead of garlic powder and brown sugar instead of white sugar. "This is so good — If you think you don't like beets, you're wrong! Make them this way, and you'll be a beetaholic! I do it in bowls, no need to waste a bag. LOVE this dish," says home cook Starlet.

The recipe title says yams, but you know they actually mean sweet potatoes, right? You can use canned or fresh sweet potatoes to make this marshmallow-topped recipe. If you’re using canned sweet potatoes, make sure to drain the can. If you’re using fresh sweet potatoes, reviewers recommend microwaving them first and peeling them. Reviewers like to sprinkle cinnamon on top of the butter. “I made this last Thanksgiving — had never made this dish before because I thought I did not like candied yams. Well, either I was missing out, or this is just a really good recipe,” says home cook Susan Gibbons.

Reviewer Jacqui says, "Out of this world!! The sweet potatoes and onions were caramelized and delicious, and the almonds were a surprising crunch — great combination! The sweetness of the amaretto was just right. I did cheat a little — rather than toast the almonds, I just added them to the last 20 minutes of baking. They were perfectly toasted without the extra step. Great recipe!!"

"This is one of my most-requested dishes, and it's perfect for Thanksgiving or any time you need a fancy side dish. It looks much more difficult to make than it is, and guests are always impressed! Even people who don't like sweet potatoes ask for second helpings! Maple syrup can be substituted for the vanilla extract," says recipe creator Tina Hayes. Reviewers like to use brown sugar instead of white sugar and serve topped with whipped cream or candied pecans.

"Unlike many sweet potato casseroles, this one is not too sweet," says recipe creator Chef John. "It smells so amazing, with subtly sweet potatoes accentuated with maple syrup and a pistachio topping. It's a wonderful combination of taste and textures."

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