9 Top Sicilian Dessert Recipes to Celebrate the Sweet Life

9 Top Sicilian Dessert Recipes to Celebrate the Sweet Life

"Lemon granita is one of my favorite things about Sicily," says Buckwheat Queen. "It's easy to make at home if a trip to the island isn't possible. Using Meyer lemons, which tend to be sweeter than regular lemons, helps replicate the flavor of authentic Sicilian lemons. Serve as an after-dinner refresher or afternoon pick-me-up. And for a nice twist, add a small scoop to your iced tea, like they do in Sicily."

Inspired by the flavors of a traditional Sicilian cannoli, this rich cheesecake's filling features sweet-and-creamy mascarpone and ricotta cheeses. "Bellissimo!" raves Cookin' with Lukie. "My Sicilian Grandmothers would have loved this cheesecake! This will be at the top of my cheesecake list from now on!"

Sicilian gelato is denser and creamier than ice cream. "This is a basic gelato recipe from my Italian mother-in-law," says OSTAFF1. "Use it as a base for your favorite flavors. Try adding vanilla, shaved chocolate or your favorite fruits. Experiment with desired flavors!"

A beautiful sponge layer cake is filled with a light ricotta cheese filling. "Very nice dessert for a special occasion," says emb. "It can be made a day or two ahead of serving and kept in the refrigerator. I have made the frosting with rum as in this version or with chocolate and espresso coffee. You can change the additions to the filling to suit your tastes."

"A delicious fig-filled pastry," says Letricia. "You may substitute the figs with dried apricots or dates. Hazelnuts can also be used in place of the walnuts."

This ricotta cheesecake is similar in style to an American cheesecake, only much lighter. "My husband loves the Sicilian Ricotta Cheesecake," says nara. "So smooth and with a delicate flavor."

"This is a recipe handed down from my Sicilian grandmother," says LINDASLUSCIOUSPIES. "Each family has their own way of baking the Easter Pie in the Old Country, and with our family and friends it was discussed at length, believe me! This pie is made the week before Easter and offered to guests for at least a week around Easter (it will keep that long). Traditionally, it is left in the pan which it is baked in and is served from the pan. Enjoy!"

Folks really rave about the homemade shells in this cannoli recipe. "Special equipment is needed such as hollow, stainless steel cannoli tubes, a pasta machine, and a pastry bag to help make these cannoli come out just like the ones at Italian restaurants and bakeries," says Lydia Nacawa, the recipe submitter. Kim's Cooking Now gave the recipe 5 stars: "The shells are spot on!" she says. "This was my first time making cannoli shells and the taste and texture are perfect."

source by allrecipe

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