8 Ways to Make Zucchini Pancakes

8 Ways to Make Zucchini Pancakes

No need to preheat the oven! These sweet zucchini pancakes taste exactly like a stack of freshly baked zucchini bread, complete with cinnamon and vanilla. A pat of butter and drizzle of syrup and you're in breakfast heaven!

Did Mom know this zucchini pancake recipe would go on to garner a solid five-star rating with hundreds of glowing reviews? We may never know! We hope Mom's basking in all the glory, however, as reviews like this are hard to beat: "Delish! I decided to make these because I didn't have the ingredients for anything else and I am so glad I did! Savory and simple. I will be eating these for years to come!"

Six simple ingredients come together for a deliciously savory zucchini pancake, featuring Cheddar cheese and onions mixed into the batter. You can jazz these up however you'd like; some reviewers suggest marinara sauce for dipping, while others added garlic.

Recipe creator TKCaterer says kids love these potato-zucchini pancakes served with ranch, but applesauce is also a favorite option. Can't decide? Try them both!

Summer's bounty all in one pancake! Fresh zucchini and sweetcorn kernels are mixed into a savory pancake batter along with buttermilk and Parmesan cheese. A delicious side dish, brunch option, or satisfying snack.

This basic zucchini pancake recipe can go sweet or savory, depending on how you dress them up after a final flip on the griddle. You can go for honey or maple syrup if you are looking for a sweet breakfast treat, or try sour cream with chives for a savory option alongside scrambled eggs. They're worth a try according to reviewer GRACE23576: "These pancakes were amazing! Even the kids loved them. They were easy to make and tasted great."

"These sweet and delicious zucchini pancakes are easy to make and heavenly served warm with whipped cream. The kids will never know what's in them either! For added sweetness, drizzle with honey or golden syrup, or serve with jam," says recipe creator Nyusha.

If you've got a glut of garden zucchini, we've got you covered! Check out our recipes and collections for loads of ideas:

source by allrecipe

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