8 Ways to Enjoy Chicken and Gnocchi

8 Ways to Enjoy Chicken and Gnocchi

This brothy dish is stick-to-your-ribs filling thanks to the pasta and chicken. "This scrumptious soup makes a lovely all-in-one dinner," says Bronwyn. "Full of vegetables and hearty potato gnocchi, it's sure to make you happy!"

It doesn't get much easier that this. Freshly cooked gnocchi, tender pieces of chicken, and creamy mozzarella balls are all tossed together in a bold pesto sauce.

Creamy and comforting, it's hard to beat this rich soup dish. "One runs out of options when attempting to describe a recipe you enjoyed a lot and then, unfortunately, every attempt begins to sound cliche," says reviewer naples34102. "So, simply said, this soup is simply excellent…in every way."

Frozen veggies, packaged gnocchi, and pre-cooked chicken make this convenient soup come together in a moment's notice. In just 35 minutes you can have a homey and flavorful meal on the dinner table.

This all-in-one dinners features gnocchi and chicken tossed with saut?ed mushrooms and spinach in a cream sauce seasoned with just a hint of nutmeg.

Buttery, yet herbaceous, this soup is packed with veggies, gnocchi, and pieces of chicken in every spoonful. "Fantastic," describes Darlene. "I will add this to my favorites!"

The copycat version of the soup served by a popular Italian-American restaurant chain, this recipe will scratch that itch when you’re craving takeout. Don’t forget to fill up a basket with unlimited breadsticks before serving.

source by allrecipe

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