7 Ways to Make Homemade Kolaches

7 Ways to Make Homemade Kolaches

Stuffed with hearty sausage, gooey Cheddar cheese, and filling hash browns, these kolaches are an all-in-one breakfast, great for grabbing and going. Recipe creator Melissa offers this tip, "I prepare the recipe by filling the kolaches the night before, and keeping them in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, I set out the kolaches to warm to room temperature while the oven is preheating, and then cook them for a quick, hot breakfast."

Using a bread machine cuts down on both time and effort needed to create these homemade kolaches. The secret ingredient is a quarter cup of mashed potato flakes, which create a tender and extra soft dough.

Spiced with cinnamon and cloves, the prune filling for these homemade kolaches makes them a stand-out recipe. Reviewer bran says, "My Czech great-grandmother made prune kolaches so I grew up eating them and these taste the closest to hers."

Yeasty dough and fresh fruit combine to make the ultimate homemade kolach. All that's needed is a little sprinkling of powdered sugar or a drizzle of glaze to make them wow-worthy.

"I grew up in Central Texas, where kolaches and sausage kolaches (also called klobasneks) were plentiful. Every donut shop and bakery had them. Then I moved to Seattle, where nobody had heard of them," says Krissi Abbot. "Everything I tried didn't turn out as fluffy, sweet, and heavenly as the kolaches I know and love. I cobbled together this recipe for what I think is the perfect sausage kolache."

This twist on homemade kolaches skips the yeast, making them faster to make and with a more tender pastry. The dough is infused with butter and cream cheese for an extra rich treat.

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