5 Grape Jelly and Jam Recipes

5 Grape Jelly and Jam Recipes

Here's the fruity mash-up you never knew you needed. Figs and grapes are in season at the same time, says recipe creator sophie, and they work beautifully together.

Try this vibrant jelly, made with grapes and cranberry juice, on toast or muffins. It also makes a great hostess gift for the holiday season, according to recipe creator PJ’s kitchen.

Made with onions and balsamic vinegar, this is a sweet and savory take on traditional grape jelly. Recipe creator nch suggests serving with blue cheese, Camembert, or Brie.

Honey adds subtle sweetness to this grape jam. “Thick and jammy without added pectin, this is pure purple heaven on toast,” says recipe creator cheesemite.

Try one of our Easiest Freezer and Refrigerator Jams Anyone Can Make. Plus, explore our entire collection of Jellies and Jams.

source by allrecipe

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