30 Fresh Fruit Dessert Recipes You'll Want to Make All Summer Long

30 Fresh Fruit Dessert Recipes You'll Want to Make All Summer Long

This raspberry ice box cake is the perfect light and sweet treat for a hot summer day. The recipe uses frozen raspberries, but you can replace them with fresh. Reviewers recommend using more graham crackers than the recipe calls for, which will give the cake a thicker crust.

The secret ingredients to this summertime treat are a package of instant vanilla pudding mix and graham cracker crust. This cheesecake-inspired ice cream can also be made with fresh raspberries depending on preference.

This old-fashioned peach cobbler recipe is a little time intensive, but it's worth it to use fresh peaches and make a homemade crust. And you can play around with the lattice work on top to make the cobbler as fancy as you want. "The crust was so flaky and tasted incredible. The filling was so good too. It was wonderful fresh out of the oven with ice cream on top," according to reviewer CEM2001.

Use fresh blueberries for this simple blueberry pie recipe. To make it even easier, you can use store-bought pie crust. Some reviewers recommend using extra cornstarch to keep the filling from getting runny.

Keep the grill hot for this easy grilled peach recipe. "The sweetness of the warmed peach goes so well with the creaminess of the goat cheese with a hint of honey. It's like getting cheesecake in a peach crust," according to creator Scott Koeneman.

Try this flan recipe for a new take on the traditional fruit pizza. This recipe uses strawberries, blueberries, and kiwi, but you can customize the fruit layer with any fruits that you like.

"This pie has now become a tradition in my household. When I make it, I not just make one, I make 2 or 3 because everyone loves it so much that I share," according to reviewer LAPRINCESSA. Reviewers suggest tasting your strawberries first to determine how much sugar you need to add for extra sweetness.

No, this isn't Rachel's disastrous trifle from Friends! This English trifle is layered with white cake, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, vanilla pudding, and whipped cream — no wayward meat in sight. You can add more fruit to the layers, if desired.

Reviewers rave about this triple berry crisp recipe because, unlike other recipes, you add the crust to both the top and bottom. The recipe uses blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries, but you can make it with only one or two of those. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.

This strawberry shortcake is the perfect last-minute dessert because it is ready in less than an hour. Serve with extra whipped cream and strawberries on top.

This French-inspired pastry will make it look like you spent hours in the kitchen, but this fruity galette is ready in only 30 minutes. Fill the pastry with your favorite summer fruits, such as peaches, strawberries, blueberries, apricots, or nectarines, and serve with ice cream.

This orange-flavored cake is light and airy. Reviewers say you only need to bake it for about 40 minutes, so it stays fluffy.

This cherry crisp recipe uses sour cherries and is complete with an oatmeal crunch topping. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream for the best results.

There's nothing better than Grandma's cooking. This lemon meringue pie is easy to make and will taste just like Grandma made it. To simplify, you can use a store-bought pie crust. "This pie is fantastic! Wonderful lemon flavor, as it's just the right balance of sweet and tart," according to reviewer 703wifenmom.

This easy cake-like cobbler recipe uses fresh blackberries and is made in a 9×13 baking dish. "What a fantastic cobbler. I made it the way the recipe stated and it was cake-like and rich," according to reviewer M J.

A pavlova is the perfect summer dessert, and this recipe is easy to follow and fun to make, according to creator Chef John. Top with fresh fruit, such as strawberries, blueberries, peaches, or kiwi, to balance out the pavlova.

Reviewers say this tart tastes even better the next day after the filling has completely set. "Very lemony-flavored with a shortbread crust. Very decadent," said creator ChefChristi1221.

"I made this exactly as the recipe called for and it turned out fabulous. It was a great dessert for our family dinner of six adults served with French vanilla ice cream," according to reviewer Diana.

This refreshing mango sorbet is the best way to cool down on a summer day. This recipe only requires four ingredients, and you don't need an ice cream maker.

If you have fresh huckleberries, this is the perfect opportunity to use them. If you're in a pinch, grab a store-bought pie crust to make this dessert even speedier.

This creamy and rich cheesecake is made with a couple secret ingredients — cottage cheese and cherry brandy. "It is my standby when bringing a dessert to a gathering and is so popular with family and friends that it is requested often. The texture is amazingly silky and light," according to reviewer therese of the bluegrass. You can use any berries you like and if you don't want to use alcohol, you can substitute orange juice.

"My lighter, no-cook adaptation of semifreddo skips the traditional egg custard and cuts down on fat, sugar, and time. It just so happens to be lighter, with a cleaner, more distinct berry flavor and a texture that's less creamy than classic semifreddo, falling somewhere between strawberry ice cream and a strawberry ice pop," according to creator Chef John.

Try something new this summer with this Mexican-inspired avocado lime cheesecake. This unique dessert is easy to make and although this recipe calls for an ice cream maker, many reviewers say you don't need one.

This bumbleberry pie is a mixture of the best summer flavors — rhubarb, blackberries, raspberries, and apples. Reviewers suggest topping the pie with a lattice crust instead of a sealed crust.

This four-ingredient dessert is easy to make and ready in just five minutes. "Wonderful, even my oh so picky daughter gobbled this up. Easy quick and very delicious. This will be a summer staple," according to reviewer Jill Moravek Panzer.

This recipe turns a delicious banana split sundae into an easy no-bake cake. Chill the cake overnight and serve with plenty of whipped cream and maraschino cherries.

This quick and easy recipe starts with the package of puff pastry that's probably already in your freezer. Combine the puff pastry with the cream cheese filling and top with blackberries. Serve warm or chilled.

"I really don't know what more you could ask for in either a recipe or a dessert. Five stars for ease of preparation. Five stars for straightforward instructions and easily available ingredients. And five stars for being delicious. I had this in the oven in under five minutes. Buttery, cakey topping, crispy along the edges, with a nice balance of fruit and batter," according to reviewer naples34102.

This recipe is a good introduction to the unique gooseberry. "A must for my family members who love the zing and tartness of the wild fruits in our area. I just use the prepared crusts you can purchase at your local store and voila! It's a hit," according to reviewer SATBdivaNE. Some reviewers suggest cutting back on the sugar if you want to pie to be more tart.

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