19 Easy Smoothie Recipes With 3 Ingredients or Less

19 Easy Smoothie Recipes With 3 Ingredients or Less

Reviewer desertbaker says, “Like a couple of the other reviewers I needed a way to incorporate kale into my diet…and this smoothie recipe fits the bill! The banana and orange flavors tame the bitterness of kale and the end result is a palate-pleasing drink.”

Start your day with a dose of calcium and potassium. “One of my favorite smoothies–one packet of Splenda is plenty sweet for me especially if my bananas are really ripe,” says reviewer Sarah Jo. “I like to add a touch of vanilla extract and a pinch each of ground cinnamon and nutmeg.”

If you're looking for another way to use up your summer watermelon crop, look no further than this simple smoothie. Raw watermelon, ice, and honey are combined to make a refreshing summertime drink. "Five stars all the way around for simplicity and ease of preparation, for presentation, and for pure refreshing deliciousness," says reviewer naples34102.

Whether frozen or fresh, cantaloupe’s sweet flavor will shine in this simple smoothie. Recipe creator Beth describes this smoothie as, “A sweet, healthy way to start your day with a delicious, unique flavor.”

Both watermelon and mangos are synonymous with summer, and this smoothie combines them to create the ultimate refresher.

Recipe creator TRACY K describes this as, “A chocolaty, chilly soy smoothie full of healthy nutrients like protein and potassium. A tasty alternative to ice cream shakes, sure to please vegans and non-vegans alike.” This smoothie combines chocolate soy milk, a banana, peanut butter, and ice.

Cherries are at their peak in the summer, so finding new ways to use them is a must. Reviewer lutzflcat says, “This is simply pure, sweet, fruitiness from a combination of perfectly-ripe summer fruit?”

Goji berries and fresh ginger give orange juice a nutritional and flavorful boost. Some reviewers suggest adding ice to get more of a smoothie consistency.

Matcha is packed with antioxidants — pair it with orange juice, bananas, and ice for a morning smoothie that's healthy and vibrant.

This might actually be the world’s easiest smoothie. The only ingredients are pineapple and strawberries. Take it from reviewer France C who says, “This really is the easiest smoothie ever. Two ingredients…not much that can go wrong here! The consistency was perfect for my tastes and I liked that it wasn’t too sweet like a lot of smoothies can be.”

Avocado, greek yogurt, banana, and water are combined to make a smoothie that's as filling as it is delicious.

Having a hard time incorporating raw kale into your diet? This leafy green is much more palatable when combined with green grapes and ice. “Only 2 ingredients make for a very tasty smoothie,” says reviewer France C.

Recipe creator california9090 says, “This is a frothy, creamy frozen drink I created when I was looking for recipes for the real Starbucks(R) drink.” If you have strawberries on hand you can easily make this Starbucks copycat drink using other pantry staples.

Fresh cantaloupe plus milk and sugar gives you a frothy and refreshing drink. Although some reviews say the sweetness of the cantaloupe makes sugar unnecessary: “Quick and tasty! No sugar needed especially if you’re using a very ripe cantaloupe,” says France C.

Reviewer merpug says, “I love that this recipe is so healthy!” This smoothie combines low-fat ingredients with healthy matcha powder.

Milk, strawberries, and avocados are all you need for this easy smoothie. Reviewer Yoly says, “This was tasty. The only addition I made was adding 2 packets of Stevia only because I like my smoothies on the sweeter side.”

Seaweed is a great source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This smoothie combines it with spinach for protein and banana for sweet flavor. Reviewer Buckwheat Queen describes this smoothie as, “Very refreshing!”

“I’ve been experimenting with tropical fruit and sapote is really interesting. Its pulp is like chocolate pudding,” says recipe creator claytical. “This recipe is really simple and lets the black sapote shine. It’s pure creamy, chocolaty goodness.”

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