17 Polish Recipes to Make Your Grandmother Proud

17 Polish Recipes to Make Your Grandmother Proud

Kielbasa is a Polish smoked sausage you’ll find in everything from sandwiches to stews. Sticking to the theme, the sausages are braised with apple and sauerkraut for a hearty, sweet-and-sour main. Serve over mashed potatoes.

Many Polish reviewers gave these potato dumplings high praise, with more than a few "just like Grandmother's" comments. Here, an egg and sour cream dough encases a mashed potato filling with a little saut?ed sauerkraut for brightness.

You'll see a version of stuffed cabbage (also called Galumpki or Golabki) across Poland and Russia. In this recipe, the leaves are stuffed with rice and seasoned ground beef and pork, then baked with a layer of sweet-and-sour tomato sauce.

Though it's known as Hungarian, goulash is also a Polish favorite. The slow cooker does all the work here, making stew meat fall-apart tender and the paprika-laced sauce extra rich. "Absolutely delicious," says amourdevin.

Dark, dense rye bread is on every Polish dinner table. This loaf is a bit lighter, with molasses for sweetness and color and dried potato flakes for tenderness. "The best recipe for rye bread I've ever encountered," says Cynthia C.

Add grated Cheddar to the filling for these traditional Polish potato dumplings and see how quickly they disappear. "The biggest complaint from my family was that I didn't make enough!" says allheart.

Polish cuisine isn't all hearty stews and potatoes! You'll find lots of pickled, crisp, and creamy salads like this cucumber salad with sour cream and dill. Serve alongside breaded and fried pork cutlets or goulash for an authentic meal.

This sweet, eggy bread is a delightful cross between brioche and challah. It makes enough for an Easter feast — when the bread is usually eaten in Poland — so feel free to halve the recipe. You can also twist the braid into a ring for a more traditional shape.

Egg noodles, bacon, and cabbage make up this speedy Polish comfort classic. Shredded cabbage crisps in bacon drippings, then everything is tossed together in the pan. "This was nothing short of fantastic!" says Marylin Bligh Kumar.

Warm spices, raisins, walnuts, and honey make this quick bread a perfect tea time treat, especially with a little butter on top. "This is very similar to what my Polish grandmother used to make," says Semichee. "Definitely a keeper!"

"This meaty stew is usually made with wild game such as venison or boar, but you can use beef, pork, or other meat — just use a lot," says Chef John. Here it's made with pork shoulder, beef chuck, Polish sausage, and bacon, along with sauerkraut, prunes, mushrooms, and wine. "It's perfect for feeding a crowd, especially when the weather turns cold and dreary."

Recipe creator baginska developed this soup to remind her of home in Poland. Many first-time tasters also loved it as an alternative to the usual chicken soup, with some welcome dill and vinegar notes from the pickles. "This is now a regular soup in our house," says Daniella Munchen.

Ribbons of egg- and sour cream?laced cookie dough are fried until bubbled and golden to make these classic Polish holiday cookies. So many reviewers said this reminded them of the ones they made with their mothers and grandmothers.

"If you like bagels, you're probably going to love these Polish bialys," says Chef John. "They're not as heavy and dense as bagels and they have a savory onion-poppy seed filling, that combined with the chewy, light dough is absolutely magical! I might only be 25% Polish but my take on bialys was 100% amazing."

Think of kotlets as a Polish take on German schnitzel: pork chops that are pounded then, breaded, and pan-fried until golden. For a truly traditional Polish meal, serve with roasted potatoes, pickled beets, and a lemon wedge.

Beets are a staple of Polish cuisine, from borscht to salads, pickles to dips. Classic sweet and sour flavors from sugar and vinegar liven up the marinade here. Canned beets keep prep to a minimum. Try adding to the table with dishes like pork roast or fried chicken.

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