15 Vintage Jell-O Desserts That Are Due for a Comeback

15 Vintage Jell-O Desserts That Are Due for a Comeback

Little known fact: Jell-O actually invented the poke cake to revive sagging sales. Nowadays you're just as likely to find poke cake recipes with Jell-O as you are without, but here's the real deal… a gorgeous lemony cake with strawberry Jell-O in every bite!

If you grew up loving Creamsicles or couldn't leave the mall without stopping at Orange Julius, this Jell-O pie is for you. A perfect combination of creaminess and citrusy goodness, this is a pie for orange lovers. Mandarin oranges, orange Jell-O, and even orange soda all go into the layers that set atop a graham cracker crust.

According to recipe submitter Cookn Gma, whose mother made this dessert during WWII when sugar was rationed, this light-as-air Jell-O dessert is especially good after a heavy meal. The recipe is bringing back memories for many in the Allrecipes community, like home cook JUMBUX: "I have been looking for this recipe for years I just couldn't quite remember it. My Mum made it for us as kids and it is light, fluffy, very inexpensive and yummy."

When tapioca pearls combine with Jell-O in a decorative mold, you know you're in for the ultimate retro treat! Use raspberry Jell-O as suggested, or go for almost any flavor you'd like. While the end result neither contains fish eggs nor looks like a salad, one thing is for certain: it's intriguingly delicious!

This is the classic English trifle that features layers of sponge cake, Jell-O, fruit, and whipped cream. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the flavors of Jell-O and types of fruit you use, so have fun and use whatever you fancy!

A perfectly pink strawberry pie featuring loads of fresh strawberries, Cool Whip, and — of course — Jell-O. "Made this after we picked strawberries with the kids. I had too many strawberries and was looking for some fast and easy no bake recipes. This was perfect. It was so refreshing and yummy," says reviewer jahudka77.

This gorgeous recipe for stained glass Jell-O cake uses five different flavors of Jell-O along with plain powdered gelatin in a vanilla-flavored base of condensed milk and heavy cream. The result is as pretty to look at as it is delicious to eat!

Another Jell-O dessert with a stained glass effect, this one calls for the addition of pineapple juice for a tropical undertone and Cool Whip for creaminess. Recipe creator Joan R suggests pouring this over a graham cracker crust instead of straight into a mold for variety. Once set, you can top with more Cool Whip or whipped cream for an eye-catching finish!

Freda's famous cherry supreme has garnered dozens of glowing reviews and is sure to be the hit of any family gathering. Cream cheese, mayonnaise, and Jell-O are the secret ingredients to this salad that eats like a dessert; try whizzing it all up in a blender to make prep extra easy.

Perhaps the ultimate Jell-O treat when it comes to retro vibes, this recipe results in a beautifully layered dessert featuring every color of the rainbow, and then some!

Recipe submitter Janice's grandmother made this at every family gathering for 25 years. The orange Jell-O is added right to the cake batter for a delicious citrus twist. Try adding mandarin orange segments in between the cake layers for even more retro flair. All the five-star reviewers rave not only about the cake, but how easy it is to make.

IYKYK… fluff isn't a salad bar or deli counter staple across the entire country, but if you grew up where it is, then you know the beauty of this Jell-O cloud of a dessert. Cottage cheese is the ingredient that you might not expect, but that adds that creaminess and texture that fluff should never be without. While this recipe calls for a strawberry flavor profile, once you're a fluff convert you'll surely want to experiment with different combos of Jell-O flavors and fruit.

A beautiful no-bake cake with a graham cracker crust topped with layers of raspberries and Jell-O, marshmallows, and whipped cream. This is welcome any time of year, but especially perfect for summer when it's too hot to turn on the oven.

Pineapple Jell-O helps set this tropical-tasting pie that is reminiscent of a light no-bake cheesecake. "I made this for a dinner party and the hostess asked for the recipe! It was a hit! Very fluffy and perfect for summer. Not overpoweringly sweet but decievingly rich so cut small slices," says a five-star review from home cook LORIGARBER.

Whether you love Jell-O or can't get enough retro inspo in the kitchen, we have loads more to explore:

source by allrecipe

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