15 Pineapple Desserts That Are One Tiny Umbrella Short of Paradise

15 Pineapple Desserts That Are One Tiny Umbrella Short of Paradise

Most pineapple upside-down cakes are made in a cast iron skillet, but this pineapple dessert is made far more impressive in a Bundt pan. You can get creative with the pineapple slices and maraschino cherries, creating any pattern you prefer. The original recipe calls for yellow cake mix, but pineapple cake mix would further elevate the flavor.

If you crave the cool, refreshing comfort of a banana split, but don't want the melting ice cream pools, you can enjoy all the flavor with this baked pineapple dessert, which uses canned pineapple. "TIP: Save the juice from the pineapple to dip the sliced banana in and it will help keep the bananas from turning so fast. I do this with most all my fruit that will turn like peaches, apples, etc," writes Renea Gary.

When fresh berries are scarce, you can use crushed pineapple as a substitute for your favorite fruit fillings. The pineapple filling turns thick and rich in the oven, which makes it perfect with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Most carrot cake has pineapple, but this one makes sure you know the tropical fruit is present. Both the carrot and pineapple add moisture and flavor. Some reviewers suggest baking the batter in two eight-inch rounds to make a layered cake for special occasions.

This old-fashioned dessert deserves a place of honor on this list of pineapple desserts precisely because it's so unique and special — and because it's so easy. With just seven ingredients, you can make this layered cake and decorate it with a "rustic" frosting look that reflects its humble roots. "I have made this cake several times, its a super moist cake with that light not too sweet taste. Everytime I make it everyone comes back for second helpings," writes Allrecipes cook Nicole.

A salad in a list of pineapple desserts? We promise you'll want to keep reading. This parfait-style dessert combines vanilla pudding with pineapple, mandarin oranges, and — wait for it — fudge stripe cookies. Sound odd? Other reviewers agreed, but their reviews suggest they've changed their minds: "This salad is delicious everyone always wants the recipe. Instead of using cookies we add twix candy bars chopped into small quarter inch squares," writes JDAVIDSON.

This spiced banana-pineapple cake is a favorite at Southern holidays, but it should be welcome at any home or event that appreciates a fine pineapple dessert. This hummingbird cake is made without coconut, a common ingredient in some other recipes. You could sprinkle flaked coconut on the frosting if you like that combo.

Looking for a no-bake cheesecake that has bananas, pineapple, and cherries so loved in a banana split? It's a winner dessert if we ever saw one. "I've made this 4 times in the last 2 weeks. My family loves it and everyone wants to me to make it now. I did use a different graham cracker crust because I couldn't get recipes crust out of my pan," writes BRIMAT143.

These sweet tarts are great for buffets or big feasts when guests might be eager to have just a few bites of something sweet but don't want to commit to a whole slice. "My entire family fell in love with these at our Hawaiian Luau Reunion! Plus they are so easy to make! However I live a small town and I had a hard time finding pineapple preserves so I made my own," writes Allrecipes cook YUVANKA CLARK.

If you're craving a cool drink on a hot day with a tiny umbrella, this cake will deliver all the flavors of a classic pina colada. Coconut flakes, coconut cream pudding mix, and crushed pineapple infuse the easy cake with tropical flavor. "My husband loved this cake. I used light rum instead of dark because that is what I had on hand; probably would have been better with the dark but still delicious," writes Allrecipes cook Momi.

"Pineapple and dragon fruit combined with a caramel made from that popular canned luncheon meat results in a refreshing pop of Hawaiian flavors that melts in your mouth," writes recipe creator Soup Loving Nicole. Yes, you read that correctly — this ice cream has pineapple, dragon fruit, and SPAM. Just trust us.

Reviewers suggest you could use any cake recipe or mix for the cake itself, but the magic is in the frosting: "It's so light, delicious and addicting, and can go well with basically any cake. I recommend chilling the icing for a couple of hours," writes cook ggglitch.

This classic pineapple upside-down cake is made in a cast iron skillet, so the sugar-pineapple-cherry topping becomes beautifully caramelized. If you don't have a cast iron skillet, you can use a 9-by-13 casserole dish.

There's no need to be at a wedding to enjoy this pineapple-infused cake. Many reviewers report it's great any time you want a fantastic dessert. "The Hawaiian Wedding Cake submitted by Olene Grieshop makes my whole body happy! The only thing wrong is it is gone too fast! Everyone in my home goes 'crazy' every time I bake it," writes recipe reviewer THREE SONS.

source by allrecipe

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