15 No-Bake Summer Desserts to Help You Keep Your Cool

15 No-Bake Summer Desserts to Help You Keep Your Cool

A chocolate cookie and peanut crust topped with ice cream and a thick layer of melted chocolate. You could use this as a blueprint and substitute any ice cream flavor you crave to change it up. For more inspiration, see our Outrageous Ice Cream Pies Worth the Brain Freeze.

"This recipe may be impossible to mess up," says home cook Raquel. "I ended up making a lot of changes based on the ingredient I had and other recipes I read, but it was still amazing. I used sour cream instead of whipping cream, this made it great without the sickening sweetness that is found in store bought cheesecake. Also, I used almond extract and tangarine juice instead of lemon (I don't like lemon flavored cheesecake.) It turned out perfect and my husband (aka the pickiest eater in the world) loved it."

5 ingredients are all you'll need to make this no-bake pie. Reviewers say to sure to let it chill thoroughly to let flavors fully develop. But watch out — it lives up to its name by being extra rich. If that's what you're craving, you're going to want to try this one for sure.

"HUGE hit," raves naples34102. "Unequivocally the star of the show. This dessert brought grown men to their knees. Never mind dinner, I could have served this and this alone and I think everyone would have been happy." Reviewer Christie S offers this tip: "Buy 1/2 gallon box of ice cream, open the package completely, and simply slice the ice cream into 1-inch-thick pieces and lay them over your crust. No softening of the ice cream required! Which means you can spread your fudge sauce immediately! Makes the entire assembly process much faster."

Reviewers suggest making a middle layer of strawberries and topping with cream cheese mixture and more strawberries. These picnic-perfect desserts also look great in individual dessert cups instead of jars.

"Easy dreamy pie. Reminds me of a frozen Peanut Butter Cup. I used non-fat milk, fat-free Cool Whip, and low-fat cream cheese. This pie is plush!" —Melanie Greer

"I'm a culinart arts student and I made this as a homework assignment and boy oh boy did it go over big!" says reviewer Vicky C. "It's very rich and creamy I just called it a cheesecake and went with it. This also works INCREDIBLY well as a frozen dessert. You do have to let it thaw a little before cutting into it maybe 10 minutes or so but it's soooooo good!" Recipe creator RB1953 says this stunning dessert can be made several days ahead.

"This pie has a tender, flaky crust. It's filled with fluffy sweet cream and topped with a tart raspberry jam. The perfect way to end a summer meal." —The Sweet and Sour Baker

"This couldn't be easier to prepare. The only thing I would change is putting the pie in the freezer instead of the refrigerator," Stacy Pineault says.

"Excellent pie, very easy. I took the advice of some previous reviewers and used banana and French vanilla pudding mixes." —DEBORAH-O

"Fresh berries are tossed with a glaze and then chilled until serving time. This is also good made with peaches, using peach gelatin instead of strawberry," Karin Christian says.

"This is a super-easy and quick recipe I got from my mother-in-law. No cooking, no baking. Just mixing and it's set! Everyone will think you spent hours making the creamy and luscious filling." —blue

"A peaches and cream pie served with a raspberry sauce. For special occasions, garnish with fresh mint leaves. Quick and easy to make and very yummy, as well!" —CORWYNN DARKHOLME

Reviewer Jessica Notthingham says, "This recipe is fabulous! The pie comes out beautiful and so tasty. I used the zest and juice of 3 lemons and it turned out great. Just enough tartness to offset the sweetness of the cream cheese and condensed milk. A hint? Keep it in the freezer for a while before you eat it, makes it even more refreshing!"

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