15 Coffee Cake Recipes to Try if You Love Streusel

15 Coffee Cake Recipes to Try if You Love Streusel

This basic coffee cake batter is made with buttermilk to create a delicate, fluffy, and moist cake. Tip: Coat your blueberries in flour so they won't sink during the bake. Top with a simple flour, sugar, and butter crumble — and you can add cinnamon to the streusel if you like.

Use fresh strawberries to make this easy coffee cake topped with coconut streusel. Reviewers recommend adding ½ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract to the batter. Serve warm or cold.

Fresh or frozen fruit makes this moist buttermilk crumb cake light and refreshing. Serve topped with a cinnamon streusel and powdered sugar. "Feel free to substitute other fruits such as blueberries, peaches, apples, or strawberries. No fruit on hand? This is just as delicious without," says recipe creator naples34102.

On a brisk morning, there's nothing more comforting than Chef John's Apple Crumble Coffee Cake. Chef John says you can use plain Greek yogurt or sour cream in this cake as well as Honeycrisp or Granny Smith apples — just remember to cut the apples small so they cook all the way through. Top with a cinnamon and walnut streusel.

Peach batter is topped with a pecan and cinnamon streusel in this light and fresh 9×13 coffee cake. Reviewers say you can use both fresh and frozen peaches, but fresh is preferred. This cake is made in two layers, but you can make it a single layer cake and top with peaches and streusel as well. "I appreciated the buttery rich flavor of the cake against the fresh pure flavor of the peaches with no spices or distracting add-ins. The butter and sour cream contributed great flavor and made this cake deliciously moist," says home cook naples34102.

This easy, traditional coffee cake can be made with ingredients you already have on hand. Some reviewers say the cinnamon streusel melts on top, so chill it in the fridge until your cake is ready to go in the oven, then spread it over top.

Chef John's 5-star pecan coffee cake has a layer of pecan cinnamon streusel in the middle and on top. "Phenomenal coffee cake Chef John! Yummy filling/topping and super moist! Everyone loves this! To get that great layer of yummy goodness in the middle make sure to chop the pecans first, then measure out the 1 ½ cups," says reviewer Heather Hudson.

This coffee cake is filled with a cream cheese and sugar mixture and topped with a pecan and brown sugar streusel. "Not only was this easy to make it but it also tastes wonderful! I appreciate the simple and uncomplicated tastes of this coffee cake. The cream cheese filling is what this cake is all about. Not too sweet but satisfying and perfect with a cup of coffee," says home cook Linda.

Use your ripe bananas in this coffee cake with an oatmeal and walnut streusel. If your crumble is too loose, add flour to the mixture before sprinkling it over the batter.

This recipe for buttermilk coffee cake filled with rhubarb and strawberries and topped with traditional streusel has dozens of 5-star reviews. It combines the sweet summer fruit flavors with a satisfying crunch from the crumble. "Delicious and easy. It is a nice moist cake and a great, quick way to use up some of your rhubarb," says reviewer Shar.

By prepping all your ingredients in the food processor, this cake batter can be prepped in just 15 minutes. Top the batter with a cream cheese mixture, raspberry preserves, streusel, and sliced almonds. You can substitute different preserves if you prefer — such as apricot, cherry, and blueberry.

This buttermilk coffee cake is topped with a chocolate chip, English toffee, and pecan streusel. Serve warm or at room temperature with your cup of coffee or tea, or a glass of milk.

"Salty, buttery streusel atop a light, moist, pumpkin muffin. So delicious and easy to prepare — no stand mixer required! These also freeze really well. Serve with a swipe of butter and a drizzle of honey," says recipe contributor Marianne Williams. If you don't want muffins, you can make this cake in a 9×13-inch pan topped with the pumpkin pie spice streusel.

A simple blueberry cake topped with a toasted coconut crumble. Reviewers suggest adding lemon zest and/or lemon juice to the cake for extra flavor. And if you don't have vegetable shortening, you can use butter or margarine instead.

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