14 Can't-Miss Candied Yam and Sweet Potato Recipes

14 Can't-Miss Candied Yam and Sweet Potato Recipes

"Finally," says community member HONEYROSE. "After years of the frustration of having watery sweet potatoes and not being sweet enough…I come across this recipe! Now I can serve my candied yams with pride. I never thought I'd be able to make them 'candied.' And I never thought to cook them in an iron skillet."

Recipe creator ntolliver213's grandmother figured out a genius way to bring both sweetness and substance to candied yams: canned pineapple chunks. The sweet notes from the pineapple chunks and juice perfectly complement the traditional cinnamon and nutmeg.

Allrecipes Allstar Yoly developed this straightforward slow cooker recipe to help combat one of Thanksgiving's biggest challenges — not having enough oven space. These yams can be made 2 to 3 days in advance and microwaved just before serving.

This candied yams recipe slightly deviates from the classic formula and it's a touch on the sweeter side, but it still yields delicious results. If you want something a little less sweet, reduce the amount of brown sugar to yield less syrup.

If you want to bring something different in place of the standard sweet potato dish, this sweet potato bake made with brown sugar, spices, cashews, and mini marshmallows is a fantastic alternative. Additionally, it's a great compromise — people who prefer their sweet potatoes with marshmallows can stick to the top layer, while the brown sugar and nuts camp can enjoy the lower layer.

Chef John's twist on candied yams relies on fresh squeezed lemon juice instead of orange juice for sweetness. It's a welcome change from the typically saccharine side dish and pairs well with savory mains such as pork shoulder.

"This is clever, unique, and delicious," says community member Chrissy DeCosmo Fessler. "I had a feeling this would be good but this was wow! I highly recommend giving this a try especially if you love cinnamon and sweet potatoes. It's almost like a dessert. It was easy to make too."

Before putting these candied yams in the oven, lightly dust them, butter and all, with ground cinnamon. It'll add even more taste to an easy, reliable recipe. For easier cleanup, make this in a disposable foil pan; that way, you don't have to worry about marshmallows sticking to your bakeware.

If you've never made candied yams before, this simple recipe is a great place to start. With four ingredients and incredibly straightforward directions, this candied yams recipe is pretty much foolproof.

This recipe takes the taste of candied yams and incorporates it into a casserole — essentially, it's two Thanksgiving staples in one. It's almost a dessert in disguise and comes together in just under an hour.

Need to candy some sweet potatoes in a hurry? These pressure cooker candied sweet potatoes come together in just 30 minutes and deliver spot-on sweetness. If you don't have any maple syrup on hand, molasses or pancake syrup will also do the trick.

If you're looking for an easy twist on the traditional holiday side, try candying ube, also known as purple yams, for a pop of color. Top with shredded coconut for a touch of texture.

"I took my mom's childhood candied yam recipe and added a layer of caramel," says creator TheEnvyOfKings. "It is now a must at every Thanksgiving and Christmas and is often requested with much anticipation by anyone who has had it. One recipe will serve 6, but barely. I promise there won't be leftovers."

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