13 Easy Fennel Recipes

13 Easy Fennel Recipes

Spice up your basic breakfast hash by adding in some flavorful fennel instead of onions and swapping white potatoes for sweet potatoes.

Fennel soup has a nice velvety mouthfeel when blended with creamy ingredients. If you have other spring ingredients on hand that need using up, like peas or fresh herbs, they make wonderful additions to the soup.

You can pan fry fennel for a nice crispy texture and charred flavor. Use high quality olive oil and you won't need extra seasoning, you'll want the fennel's natural flavor to shine through.

Bright in color and flavor, this unique casserole is ready in under an hour. Plus it keeps well, meaning you can prep a big batch ahead for the week.

An easy salad to have for springtime barbecues, this recipe is fresh and floral, thanks to herbs, the fennel, and oranges. You can make a large batch at once to serve at potlucks or keep throughout the week.

This silky smooth soup is potent with wonderful flavors. Serve hot or cold!

If you’ve already got the grill going for your main dish, throw a bulb of fennel on too for some smoky taste. The vegetable can be served warm, or chilled afterwards and sliced for salads.

A great fresh recipe that is sweet, savory, and a little tart. Add in protein for a main salad or enjoy as an easy side dish.

Two fall favorites, fennel and butternut squash pair up for this creamy soup. Serve with a dollop of sour cream to complete the meal.

Pork and fennel taste amazing together. The meatiness pairs well with the licorice flavors for a stand out dish.

Crispy, creamy, and cheesy, this baked fennel makes for an impressive side dish that guests will never know was easy to make.

Brush fennel slices with a simple mixture of olive oil, vinegar, garlic, thyme, salt, and pepper, and roast until soft and caramelized. "Roasting fennel gives it a lovely buttery, caramelized flavor and brings out its natural sweetness," says France C. "Serve with roasted pork tenderloin, grilled lamb, or a fatty fish such as salmon."

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