13 Delicious Ways To Enjoy Ramps This Spring

13 Delicious Ways To Enjoy Ramps This Spring

Use your favorite extra-virgin olive oil to preserve the flavor of ramps for months to come. You can use this oil in tons of ways — salad dressings, pasta dishes, or to cook eggs.

A delicious springtime side dish or even a vegetarian main, these baked potatoes feature loads of flavor thanks to ramps and creamy feta cheese.

A classic pesto made with ramps instead of basil. You'll love this tossed with pasta or spread in a sandwich or wrap. If you have leftover pesto, store it in the fridge covered in oil and use within a few days.

Ramp quiche is a delicious way to enjoy ramps for a springtime breakfast or brunch. As recipe creator nch explains, this recipe uses only the leaves of ramps, which is the sustainable way to pick them — wild ramp bulbs take years to grow back.

Recipe creator cookin'mama08 says she looks forward to making this springtime potato side dish every year. With all of the glowing reviews, it's easy to see why! Bacon pairs beautifully with ramps in this recipe.

A delicious way to preserve the flavor of ramps for months to come. Use your favorite sea salt, blend with raw ramps, then let dry. You'll find endless uses for this salt in all of your favorite dishes, from grilled meats to scrambled eggs.

If you've dried any ramp leaves, this is a great recipe that calls for dried ramps. However, if you've made ramp pesto from fresh leaves, you can do as recipe creator Olenka suggests and use that instead. Whichever way you make it, this is a delicious way to enjoy feta and an instant appetizer that's easy to make ahead.

This simple omelet can contain as many ramps as you'd like, so feel free to add more if you love their flavor. Likewise, the cheddar cheese can be substituted with almost any cheese you choose — Gruyere and feta are both delicious choices.

Think of this quick and easy recipe as spaghetti with a nut-free ramp pesto. It comes together in minutes, with ramps combined with Parmesan cheese and olive oil for a simple but delicious meal.

Making a ramp compound butter is a delicious way to enjoy ramps in a baked potato, spread on dinner rolls, or melted over steak. You can use any butter, but starting with unsalted butter and adding flaky sea salt to taste yields a delicious result.

A simple pasta dish where the acidity of fresh tomatoes and saltiness of bacon pair deliciously with wild ramps. Toss with penne as suggested or your favorite short pasta shape.

You'll want to put this homemade ramp mayonnaise on everything once you make it — it's delicious on sandwiches, in potato salad, with grilled fish, and the list goes on.

Learn more in our article explaining everything you need to know about ramps — how to cook with ramps and how to forage your own wild ramps. And for more ways with all of your favorite springtime delicacies, browse our recipes and collections:

source by allrecipe

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