12 Traditional Irish Desserts You Need to Try

12 Traditional Irish Desserts You Need to Try

"I love these cookies, thank you so much for sharing the recipe," raves reviewer Kim Crawley Sappington. "I make it exactly the way the recipe instructs and they are always wonderful."

This elegant butter cake, which features a dusting of powdered sugar, is the perfect simple dessert. It's great served with tea or coffee, according to recipe creator Cindy.

This traditional Irish apple cake is wonderfully simple. Thinly sliced layered apples make for a gorgeous view when the cake is sliced.

"As a little boy I grew up helping my mother make apple and fruit pies," says recipe creator BRIANGREEN. "She was from Cork in southern Ireland so I'm guessing the recipe is Irish and possibly the same one her mother taught her. Sadly my mum is no longer with us, but her legendary apple pie lives on in my memory."

"This is a recipe that has been handed down through the generations of my family," says recipe creator MARYANNEQ. "We credit my Great Grandmother, Catherine O'Grady, with this recipe."

"This is an authentic Irish recipe," according to recipe creator Aven. "I got it from a dear Irish friend. It is not for the faint of heart … but it is divine."

Chef John's take on Irish soda bread is subtly sweet, which makes it perfect for dinner or dessert. "If made correctly, this is one of the best quick breads (those leavened without yeast) you'll ever have," according to Chef John.

This traditional Irish bread has a texture similar to a scone, according to recipe creator Ruth Uitto. She suggests eating it for breakfast or serving with tea or coffee.

"My mom always made this for the holidays when I was a kid in Ohio," says recipe creator Kandi Brooks. "You can use left over potatoes from last night's supper or just throw a potato in the microwave for 5 minutes, cool, and add butter and a little salt."

This is an old family recipe that recipe creator nanniesue said she learned from her grandmother. It's best served with fruit, according to nanniesue.

"Amazing bread," raves reviewer Tammy. "My Grandma was Irish and made Sweet Irish Bread all the time. This is a good bread to eat any time of day and is good cold, warm, toasted, etc."

source by allrecipe

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