12 St. Patrick's Day Breakfast and Brunch Ideas

12 St. Patrick's Day Breakfast and Brunch Ideas

In the just-for-fun category, spinach and eggs go for a whirl in your blender to green up before getting wrapped around a filling of corned beef hash and topped with cheese. You can use canned or homemade corned beef hash.

Try this easy make-ahead breakfast casserole if you know you'll be entertaining a St. Patrick's Day breakfast/brunch crowd. It's easier to make than individual plates of full Irish breakfast, and you can stuff it with tomatoes and mushrooms or serve them on the side. Watch the video to see how it's made.

“I purposely cook a whole corned beef just to make hash,” says recipe submitter Debra Steward. “There’s nothing like the taste of fresh versus canned hash. This is also good for leftover St. Paddy’s Day corned beef. I throw the carrot in for color, claiming it’s the Leprechaun’s gold. Serve with fried eggs and brown soda bread (farls).”

“This potato, spring onion, and kale dish makes a beautiful and delicious base for poached eggs,” says Chef John. “You can even add leftover chopped corned beef.”

"Soda bread dough is flattened into a round circle and divided into farls meaning 4 parts," explains recipe creator Ita. "It is then cooked on a dry griddle or pan. Traditionally this was the quickest way to make soda bread for unexpected guests who drop by for a bit of craic (good fun)."

Among our dozens of recipes for Irish soda bread, this is one of the most popular. “My great grandmother (from Ireland) used a very similar recipe,” says M Unit.

Just in case you need a soda bread option that you don't have to slice. You can make these ahead of time and pop into the oven for a quick warm-up before serving.

Here’s a spin on Irish potato pancakes (aka boxty) that includes decidedly non-traditional zucchini for a fun touch of green. Allrecipes home cook TKCaterer submitted this recipe and says, “This recipe can be made ahead and then kept warm in the oven for 20 minutes.”

Made with coffee, whiskey, and whipped cream, this Irish coffee can wake you up and slow you down at the same time. The video shows you how to do it. You might as well rehearse a few Irish toasts to go along with your tipple.

Yes, I included this for the more health-minded among you who want to minimize or at least mitigate the damage. Don't say I don't look out for you.

Here's a homemade version of the famous drink from that burger place that serves them every year but for a limited time only," says hippie_mama. "My teenagers were seriously impressed. Thanks for making me a hero!"

source by allrecipe

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