12 Quick and Easy Vegetarian Soups to Make This Winter

12 Quick and Easy Vegetarian Soups to Make This Winter

Want a vegetable soup that eats like a stew? This chunky version is thickened naturally with the inclusion of both potatoes and okra, and is a complete meal in a bowl.

Inspired by Italian soups with greens, this kale soup includes beans and potatoes that add a wonderful texture and protein. For an extra flourish, finish with a swirl of extra virgin olive oil and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.

Mexican tortilla soup is usually made with chicken, but we love this vegetarian version that has as much punch as the original (you won't miss the chicken at all). Avocado adds an extra something special.

A thick lentil soup — loaded with protein and packed with rich flavors — might just be the ideal wintery treat. While this recipe cooks for slightly longer than most of the soups on this list, the prep time is only 15 minutes. You're still saving time!

Often we think of black bean soups as a bowl of Latin flavors. But this version uses foods generally from Southeast Asian cuisine — ginger, turmeric, and coconut milk — for a fresh and delicious variation. Serve over rice for a complete meal.

Red lentil curries are a slow-cooked staple of South Asian cuisine. This soup version packs all that flavor and texture of a traditional curry while cutting the cook time to under an hour.

Thai flavors — ginger, garlic, and coconut — sing in this sweet potato soup that is full of complex flavors but comes together super fast. Creamy with coconut milk and a little spicy, this is a perfect warm-up on cold winter nights.

Just because you want a soup fast doesn't mean it can't be luxurious. This creamy tomato basil soup adds richness with butter and cream; bright fresh basil brings it together.

This vegan black bean soup is the perfect pot of deep flavors in all their plant-based glory and a magical 45 minutes from start to finish.

Most great northern bean soups have ham or bacon in them, so we were excited to find this vegan version that swaps meat for intensely-flavored herbs and vegetables.

Want a vegan soup that even your meat-eaters will love? Go for this thick and hearty kale and chickpea soup, which clocks in at a fast 45 minutes but tastes like it has been simmering all day. A shake of curry powder gives it a secret something.

source by allrecipe

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