11 Diabetes-Friendly Dinner Recipes the Whole Family Will Love

11 Diabetes-Friendly Dinner Recipes the Whole Family Will Love

The convenience of a sheet pan dinner is hard to beat, but this one's also a winner when it comes to taste and nutrition. Lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and a touch of maple syrup create a simple, flavorful glaze for a fish dinner with only 15 grams of net carbs. Even better, one serving contains over 100 percent of the daily value for vitamin C, 60 percent of your daily Vitamin A, and is a good source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Who doesn't love a cheesy quesadilla? This skillet dinner comes together in 10 minutes and calls for just six ingredients, one of which is whole-wheat tortillas. Whole-grain products have more fiber than refined varieties, which helps to minimize the impact of carbs on blood sugar. This is key for those with diabetes, but also good for all ages when it comes to providing energy and satiety.

Loaded with veggies and lean beef, this homemade soup is hard to beat on a cold day. What makes it unique is that it features several starch sources — black beans, split peas, potatoes, pasta, and rice — but in small amounts. This adds a variety of textures, nutrients and lots of fiber. Opt for brown rice and whole-grain macaroni for additional fiber.

Cruciferous vegetables are a family of low-carb veggies that are packed full of vitamins A and C, which are antioxidants and phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory effects within the body. Both work to reduce inflammation within the body, which is believed to reduce the risk of diabetes complications. Enjoy this stir-fry by itself, or serve over brown rice or cauliflower rice.

Dietary guidelines advise getting two to three servings of fish each week, and this is a delicious way to get more fish into your diet. The tacos feature pan-fried tilapia that's dressed with a green onion slaw and topped with a lime crema made with reduced-fat sour cream. Substitute another mild white fish or use shrimp if desired. Also, consider using whole-grain or corn tortillas for a little extra fiber.

The hearty combination of black beans and quinoa means no one will miss the meat. Eating more plant-based meals is recommended for everyone, but may have extra benefit for those with diabetes since a 2012 study found that those with type 2 diabetes who incorporated beans or legumes on a daily basis had lower HghA1C levels, lower blood pressure, and lower triglycerides three months later.

Marinate ahead, and then pop this dinner in the oven when you get home. Tomatoes are good sources of lycopene, a compound linked to reduced risks of cancer and heart disease. One study even suggests eating tomatoes daily may help to reduce blood pressure in those with type 2 diabetes. Adding cherry tomatoes towards the end of the cooking time gives them just enough time to roast and to soak up some flavor.

Comfort foods can be part of every healthy diet, and this recipe shows you how. Choosing lean ground beef and using minimal oil to cook the patties and onions allows you to use the same ingredients your grandmother might use while keeping the dish within healthy parameters. To reduce sodium, use a low-sodium beef broth and slightly less seasoned salt.

Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable with lots of versatility, including serving as a low-carb replacement for rice like it does here. The veggie also means one serving provides over 40 percent of daily potassium needs, which is a nutrient that plays a key role in keeping blood pressure in check. It's also easy to serve this dish over whole-grain pasta or brown rice instead of cauli-rice if desired.

This soup has two ingredients that make it unique. First, the whole-grain barley is used in place of rice, which offers a slightly chewy texture. Then, toasted almonds are sprinkled on top to add crunch instead of croutons. This fun addition adds some healthy fats, as well as protein and fiber, to ordinary chicken soup. Keep prep simple by using cooked chicken from a skinless rotisserie chicken.

source by allrecipe

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