11 Budget-Friendly Depression-Era Recipes That Are Still Delicious

11 Budget-Friendly Depression-Era Recipes That Are Still Delicious

This simple pasta is bulked up with beans and peas, while a meaty flavor is infused into the whole dish from a few slices of prosciutto. No prosciutto on hand? Many reviewers have had success swapping in bacon instead.

"At the end of summer during the Great Depression the excess cucumber crop was sliced, salted, pickled, and put up in jars for the cold, lean months ahead," shares Chef John. "I can just imagine what a treat it was to fill a sandwich with these sweet crunchy coins (bread and butter pickles, as they came to be known). I'm sure it was a wonderful break from what must have been a fairly flavorless existence."

Only a handful of ingredients are needed to create these crispy golden cakes. Each bite is made from a combination of crushed Saltines, chopped onions, and diced tomatoes, all fried up in a little oil. "Tasty and cheap, this is a recipe from the Great Depression," shares STORMBORN.

Soup is normally a meal that's easy on the wallet. Simply add in a few extra veggies and more broth to magically double up your servings. This recipe follows that idea, using a ham bone for a distinct meaty flavor throughout.

These fluffy oat rolls are a recipe that has been passed down through generations. Deb shares, "My grandmother, in the Depression, had five children and not a lot of income. So she had to get up quite early in the morning and make loaves of bread and rolls to sell so that she could supplement the income and keep the family going."

This filling dinner, described as a recipe that "came out of the hard times of the Great Depression," works as an easy way to use up leftovers. Prepared mashed potatoes are served with an egg-filled ham cup on top and drizzled with a Hollandaise sauce for extra richness.

"This recipe is an old French Canadian recipe which originated during the Depression. It consists of tender pieces of chicken and homemade noodles swimming in a delicious gravy," says Sharon Howard. This stick-to-your-ribs meal is perfect for a cold evening.

"During the Great Depression this type of dish was a popular strategy for stretching what little meat you had into as filling a meal as possible," says Chef John. This recipe has all the classic meatball mix-ins — breadcrumbs, eggs, onion, and cheese — to create a filling dish without too much meat.

Made without cream or butter, this velvety soup was created by user wamsley's grandmother as a cost-effective meal during the Great Depression. Each bite is studded with creamy potatoes, savory leeks, and flavorful garlic.

Recreate the hearty texture of Bolognese with coarsely chopped cauliflower and sweet onions. "This recipe goes back to the Great Depression," says impellizzeri kitchen. "My large Italian family gathered in the kitchen and tried many ways to prepare Sunday dinner on a tight budget. My friends and family couldn't believe that there is no ground beef in this sauce."

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