11 Apple Crumble Recipes for Celebrating Fall

11 Apple Crumble Recipes for Celebrating Fall

While both apples and pears in season, it only makes sense to team them up in this buttery apple crumble recipe. Don't skip the almond topping. It adds a distinct crunchiness to contrast the soft fruit.

"Almond and coconut flavors complement the apples beautifully! Granny Smith apples work best, but any will do," explains recipe creator MELIS1. "Serve with warm custard for a simple yet delicious Autumn dessert."

As summer ends and fall begins, there's no better way to use up leftover blackberries than pairing them in an apple crumble recipe. No one will guess this rich and sweet recipe only requires half a dozen ingredients.

Enjoy an apple crumble without warming up the kitchen or cordoning off your oven by utilizing the air fryer. These individual ramekin servings of apple crumble make for a fun dessert for date nights at home.

You'll have trouble sticking to one serving of this decadent apple crumble, which is equal parts sweet and tangy. Recipe creator Jessica Leslie suggests serving with ice cream, whipped cream, or a drizzle of heavy cream.

The secret to this ultra rich apple crumble recipe? One can of condensed milk. Boiled over several hours, it becomes a luxurious caramel sauce, perfect for layering between apples and the buttery topping.

Featuring the trifecta of apples, crushed pineapple, and canned cranberry sauce, this apple crumble recipe would be equally welcome on the dinner table or at Thanksgiving celebrations.

"Plain sesame halva makes a delicious topping for fruit crumbles or crisps. There is no need for any additional sugar or butter since halva is already sweet and contains fat," explains recipe creator nch. "The topping will be soft after baking but gets nicely crunchy as it cools so it's best served after cooling."

Skip the dairy to create this vegan apple crumble. Coconut oil is an easy swap for butter, and it creates an equally rich and crumbly topping.

Recipe contributor Scottley calls this five-ingredient cross between apple cobbler and apple pie an easy dessert that lends itself to last-minute baking, whether for company or cravings.

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