10 Three-Ingredient Chicken Dinners to Save Your Budget

10 Three-Ingredient Chicken Dinners to Save Your Budget

"Excellent. Perfect for a weeknight after work as the recipe is quick and easy." — Stephanie

"I never really cook and yet this turned out great!" — lauramg

"I can't believe this doesn't have a million five-star ratings." — Elhundle

"Worked very well, easy, and the chicken was very moist. Will definitely do again. It will be fun to experiment with the spices." — Rebecca

"Simple and delicious! We used this to make lettuce tacos." — Christina

"Got a winner here, folks! This recipe is perfect for everyone, not just those following specific diets. It is that wonderful." — Buckwheat Queen

"These wings were really good. Everyone enjoyed them. Such a change from hot wings." — Sue Welch

"A 3-ingredient recipe that you dump into a pot and come back to find it magically transformed into a five-star, delicious meal? Too good to be true? Nope, this is it! This is as delicious as it is easy." — Buckwheat Queen

Boneless chicken breasts are simply baked with a coating of crushed French-fried onions. "Super easy, quick, and tasty. Served it with honey mustard sauce on the side." — MELPRES

source by allrecipe

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