10 Roasted Parsnip Recipes

10 Roasted Parsnip Recipes

Turnips, butternut squash, parsnips, sweet potatoes, rutabagas, and carrots are seasoned with a buttery blend of maple syrup, salt, and pepper.

Roasted parsnips and green apples are blended with chicken broth, heavy whipping cream, potatoes, and cayenne pepper.

Yams, parsnips, zucchini, asparagus, and carrots come together in this gorgeous medley. “This colorful dish has the perfect blend of sweet and savory,” says recipe creator Lorelei. “It is simple to prepare and can be served as a side dish, salad, or light meal.”

This healthy alternative to French fries is as easy as it is delicious. Honey adds sweetness, while fresh herbs give the parsnips a pop of flavor and color.

You can make this tried-and-true family recipe with just four ingredients: parsnips, butter, black pepper, and salt.

"This is a simple and easy recipe that tastes delicious," raves one reviewer. "I plan to put this into my weekly menu plan. It's that good."

This regional recipe (which comes together in under an hour) utilizes fresh parsnips, carrots, celery root, and rutabagas.

Here's a 5-ingredient recipe you don't want to miss. One reviewer suggests turning up the heat a bit for extra crispiness.

Brussels sprouts and parsnips are roasted in a flavorful mixture of balsamic vinaigrette, brown sugar, and thyme.

Try one of Our Favorite Ways to Eat Root Vegetables During Peak Season. Plus, explore our entire collections of Parsnip Recipes.

source by allrecipe

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