10 Ideas for Roasted Baby Potatoes

10 Ideas for Roasted Baby Potatoes

Olive oil and a package of dry Italian-style salad dressing mix yield ultra flavorful potatoes with minimal prep time. Allrecipes Allstar Soup Loving Nicole recommeends cooking the potatoes flesh side down to maximize their crispiness.

Prepared horseradish and lemon take new potatoes to the next level. Home cook naples34102 suggests adding extra horseradish for even more kick and topping the dish with parsley or chives.

Slathering spuds with honey-mustard butter sets this recipe apart from the rest. Top it with fresh parsley to brighten it up.

Here’s a hack you’ll keep coming back to: coat baby potatoes in pesto before roasting them. You don’t even have to make your pesto from scratch, but if you do, you can try one of these fresh variations like kale pesto or even Thai-inspired pesto.

Parmesan, herbs, and spices zhoosh up these top-rated potatoes. "Absolutely out-of-this-world delicious! We had 10 for dinner this evening and every single person commented on how good these potatoes were," home cook abapplez says. "So easy and extremely flavorful."

“These turned out really good and the fresh herbs made all the difference,” says Allstar Soup Loving Nicole. “I cooked them at 425 [degrees F] for 30 minutes and they were perfect. Simple and delicious!”

Mushroom lovers will go *wild* for this side dish from Chef John. If you can't find the mushroom varieties it calls for, rest assured that other cooks adapted the recipe based on what was available — with delicious results.

When roasted in olive oil with whole garlic cloves, potatoes need nothing more than salt and pepper.

Served at room temperature, this vinegaigrette-based potato salad utilizes herb-roasted potatoes for unbeatable flavor. "My bowl was completely gone while the regular mayo potato salad just sat there! So many compliments on it," home cook lares says.

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