10 Hot Cocktails to Keep You Cozy All Winter Long

10 Hot Cocktails to Keep You Cozy All Winter Long

This authentic recipe comes straight from Sweden, where they know all about surviving winter's chill. Made with a bottle each of port wine, bourbon, and white rum, the recipe yields enough for a houseful of snowed-in guests. Allrecipes home cook mitoboru says, "I grew up in Sweden and still have family there and visit on a regular basis. I have had and made my fair share of gl?gg, including my grandmother's recipe. This is by far the best one to date."

"Made this and brought it for Christmas Eve," says reviewer Shanny. "It was a HUGE hit with comments such as 'this would be perfect after a day of skiing or snowboarding' and 'I cant wait to make this.' I didn't change a thing and really really happy with it."

Hot coffee spiked with coffee liqueur and tequila, and topped with whipped cream, cinnamon, and a pinch of cocoa powder. You can add a bit of sugar to sweeten it to taste, if you like.

Rich red wine, and bittersweet chocolate are the perfect pair in this adult drink, that will make you feel warm and cozy on a cold winter's night. What better drink could there be for curling up on the sofa and watching a Christmas movie.

Fresh apple cider, citrus peel, and a host of fall spices go into this aromatic and delicious drink. Oh, and there's an optional cup of apple brandy, too. You can make a big batch without the brandy to share with all ages, and let the grown-ups slip a little brandy, calvados, or apple jack into their own mugs. Responsibly, of course.

Rocking four different kinds of liqueur, this cup of spiked coffee is about as indulgent as it gets. Climb into your warmest PJs and sip this on Netflix night.

Rumor has it this whiskey-laced hot honey and lemon brew is the Irish cure for the common cold. But you don't have to wait until you're sick to try it.

Pour yourself a hot coffee with a shot of whiskey (preferably something from the Emerald Isle, like Jameson) and a swirl of whipped cream. Enjoy the warmth within and dream of better weather ahead. Read Irish poetry. Finish "Ulysses" once and for all.

"Spiced rum and caramel ice cream topping bring new life to the classic drink, making it perfect for those chilly fall nights." says recipe creator Betty Soup.

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