10 Fantastically Fresh Gazpacho Recipes

10 Fantastically Fresh Gazpacho Recipes

This silky soup uses leeks rather than tomatoes to create a flavor base. Blanched almonds, grapes, and creme fraiche combine for a smooth, elegant white gazpacho option.

A generous amount of basil creates a bright, intensely flavorful experience that will leave you wanting more. Gooey burrata cheese sits in the center of this cool, herbal concoction.

"Fresh and light," says home cook cowgirl. "I used lemon juice instead of the vinegar as suggested and topped ours with some diced cucumber for crunch and a tablespoon of nonfat Greek yogurt to give it some zip."

This top-rated recipe has all of the elements of a great gazpacho: a tasty blend of garden-fresh vegetables, a big splash of vinegar, and fragrant herbs to balance the flavor.

Add some succulent protein to your gazpacho with this hearty recipe. Avocados, cucumbers , and tomato-clam cocktail come together for an invigorating and tasty meal.

A sweet and spicy spin on traditional gazpacho. Watermelon, jalape?os, and and mint make for a refreshing dish that shines as a first course. Garnish with watermelon chunks and fresh mint leaves.

"This summer-ready gazpacho tastes cucumber forward with an underlying sweetness from the honeydew melon and honey, and the sherry vinegar sharpens those flavors," says recipe creator Elizabeth Mervosh.

Chef John's gazpacho takes traditional ingredients and amplifies them with green onion, lime juice, and Worcestershire sauce for a mouthwatering result.

A melon-based gazpacho that will win over cold soup skeptics. Bursting with sharp and tangy flavors, this recipe is ready in under an hour. Heart-healthy and downright delicious.

source by allrecipe

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